Federal Agencies and Programs
Environmental Protection Agency
On September 18, 2006, a United States district court ordered the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop new regulations in two years to address ballast water discharges from vessels into United States waters. The order follows the court's holding from March 2005 that EPA had illegally exempted ships' ballast water discharges from Clean Water Act permit requirements. This most recent ruling directs EPA to take specific action by September 30, 2008 to ensure that shipping companies comply with the Clean Water Act and restrict the discharge of invasive species in ballast water.
Maritime Administration (MARAD) Ballast Water Initiative
NOAA/FWS/MARAD have teamed up by way of a federal funding opportunity that allows researchers to apply for use of a ship from the MARAD Ready Reserve Force to serve as an experimental test platform for ballast water demonstration projects.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Federal agency focused on the condition of the oceans and the atmosphere.
NOAA Fisheries - National Marine Fisheries Service
Government agency dedicated to the stewardship of living marine resources through science-based conservation and management.
Nationwide network of 30 university-based programs that work with coastal communities to foster science-based decisions about our aquatic resources. Also, see Sea Grant program on AIS here.
U.S. Coast Guard Ballast Water Management Program
USCG program, in response to NISA 96, that establishes regulations and guidelines to prevent the introduction of AIS. See bottom of their page for more ballast info.
U.S. Geological Survey - Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Site
Central repository for accurate and spatially referenced biogeographic accounts of nonindigenous aquatic species.
Other National Programs and Organizations
100th Meridian Initiative
Cooperative effort between state, provincial, and federal agencies to prevent the westward spread of zebra mussels and other AIS in N. America.
American Association of Port Authorities
The American Association of Port Authorities is a trade association which represents more than 150 public port authorities in the United States, Canada, the Caribbean and Latin America. AAPA also works to educate the public, media, local, state and Federal legislators about the essential role ports play within the global transportation system.
ANS Task Force
Intergovernmental organization dedicated to preventing and controlling aquatic nuisance species (ANS) and implementing ANS legislation.
Program that works with the pet and aquarium trade and the nursery and landscape industry to prevent release and spread of AIS.
The National Estuarine Research Reserve System
is a network of protected areas established for long-term research, education and stewardship. This partnership program between NOAA and the coastal states protects more than one million acres of estuarine land and water.
Protect Your Waters
Site for recreational users who want to help stop the introduction and spread of AIS.