Maritime Sector
Maritime Academies
International Association of Maritime Universities
Port and Harbor Associations
California Association of Harbor Masters & Port Captains, Incorporated
To promote and encourage development of marinas and harbors along sound management, environmental and economic lines, and to assist wherever and whenever possible, any group or individual, whether private or governmental, in the development of new marinas and/or harbors.
Maritime Unions
American Maritime Officers
Today, American Maritime Officers thrives as a national union affiliated with the Seafarers International Union of North America, representing licensed officers in all sectors of the U.S.-flag merchant fleet
The International Organization of Masters, Mates & Pilots (MM&P)
The MM&P advocates for: licensed deck officers on U.S.-flag commercial vessels sailing offshore and on the inland waterways and on civilian-crewed ships in the government fleet; state pilots; marine engineers; unlicensed seafarers; and maritime industry shore side clerical and service workers.
Sailors' Union of the Pacific
To maintain and develop skill in seamanship and to effect a change in maritime law towards the development of the American Merchant Marine.